
“Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” -Ephesians 3: 14 NLT

Monday, October 05, 2009

From Sea to Sea

Erev Tov!

I am blogging from a balcony above the Sea of Galilee. The night is just the kind of cozy warm that makes you want to sleep under the stars. NO mosquitoes around just crickets somewhere making their symphony.

So I slept straight through from midnight to quarter after ten this morning, a great start to the trip especially since tomorrow's wake up call is 6:30am! Anyhoo, Lannette and I pulled ourselves out of bed and bused down to meet friends at Beit Immanuel. (except for getting my foot stuck in the bus door, it was an uneventful trip) Beit Immanuel has a refreshing homey feel just in the front lobby where we met Corinne. I am definitely looking forward to staying there next week!

We went for Shwarmas (sp???) which is a kind of pita wrap that is REALLY good (AND they had ketchup!) :D Then to Dr. Lek's for some of the best ice cream ever, no lie, I don't care if Italy is famous for Gelato. :) I had a scoop of mango, mmmmmm!

We stopped for a quick dip of the toes in the Mediterranean (so lovely and incredibly warm, almost too warm to be refreshing... can't wait to actually go swimming). Then we headed back to the buses and spent the rest of the day getting to Tiberius on the Sea of Galilee where we were received an enthusiastic welcome from the tour group and Lannette's parents and feasted on the hotel provided buffet.

Tomorrow we will worship on the Sea of Galilee and we do the Jerusalem March in the afternoon. Please pray for peace. :)


PS> During our long bus ride, we drove past this valley mentioned somewhere in the Bible, I will have to ask Lannette to remind of what she said again. Anyhoo it triggered a sort of story scene in my head that I will have to blog here. :) L'Chaim!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi my beautiful sister,

Wow - I have been there! Glad we will be also to share our memories and stories when you return. May the stories from the Bible come to life for you in a way they never did before. I love you! Wait till you see Jerusalem!