
“Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” -Ephesians 3: 14 NLT

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Erev Tov!

Wow, I don't even know how to begin but my internet time is limited so I had better get my thoughts together quick.

October 6th
Started bright and EARLY. We headed out to the Sea of Galilee. First was some shopping time and then we embarked on Daniel Carmel's boat Faith. He told us just very briefly the story of how he came to know Yeshua as his saviour after repeated exposure to Christians worshipping on his boat! And now he is leading worship. :D It was really cool to have heard his music previously from the CD Janessa had bought when she was in Israel.
Totally God-wink: it RAINED when we got onto the boat and they had not had rain since ?April. It only sprinkled but it kept up while we sang Michael W. Smith's "Let it Rain". It was lovely. The only things that could have made it better would have been if I had more room to dance and if the rain had fallen for the whole time! :D
Another cool thing: Daniel explained to us about the significance of the 153 fish caught at the end of John.

THEN we drove to Jerusalem. On the way, I had my first Israeli falafel (it was SOOOO good!) and saw camels but did not ride one (hopefully later in the trip...).
Upon entering Jerusalem we joined up with the Jerusalem March of the nations gathered together to show their support for Israel. The Brazil group was the largest, they were totally awesome, so pumped. They had this cheer going while we were all waiting on the hill, I forget the beginning lines but the end was "we are here to shout and show/ Israel is not alone!"
I tried to say "Sawadeekah!" to the Thai group when we passed by them getting line but it was too noisy and none of them heard me. It really was amazing to see all the people from different nations gathered to bless and support Israel. There were even two guys from Nepal!

When the March finally started it was an incredible experience. We had Canadian souvenirs and candy to hand out and at the start the kids and crowds were gathered so thick that you had to walk single file. It was even just amazing to witness Mr. Bye make stern men and little old ladies cry, thanking them for fulfilling the prophecies of the Bible for being Abbas and Immas in Israel. He got mentioned in a newspaper article and quoted. Haha. :D So awesome.

We finished the March and headed to our hotel just in time for supper (which was a scrumptious buffet). I then had a bit of adventure meeting back up with Lannette (she had dropped out because of her foot to hang with Israeli friends at a coffee shop). She called to ask if I would be comfortable taxiing to where she was because she was right by the house of worship we were going to that evening. *Dramatic Pause* I will come back to this because I want to make sure I catch up to tomorrow first.

Anyhoo, I (obviously) made it safe and sound to Lannette and our Israeli friends and we headed to the house of worship. It is on the top floor of a building with these spectacular windowed corridors where you can see out over most of the city. A great place to intercession. Moshe was leading worship and Lannette accompanied him on the keyboard, playing some songs that she had never played before.
I rested. I cried. I danced. It was beautiful.

After we went to meet another friend somewhere else. We passed through Zion Square where Orthodox Jewish men were dancing in the street. Wow. Something is so messed with Canadian culture that that doesn't just happen. (unless maybe the guys are drunk or high...) The place where we were supposed to meet the friend was in an area thick with busy bars and every bar had at least one outside greeter to draw people in. One guy would just NOT give up, "Come, come, tell your friend to meet you here. I'll give you a free hookah pipe for your table and the second beer is free!" :P It was way too crazy busy so Carrie called the friend to meet us back at Zion Square instead.
By this time, I (so NOT a creature of the night) was ready to turn in so Chaim and Moshe caught us a cab. They explained where the hotel was in Hebrew. When Lannette and I got in the cab, we found out the driver did not speak ANY English. Fortunately Lannette's Hebrew was up to the task and kept him from cheating us in our change at the end.

October 7th
Yay, we have reached today! :D
There is no way I will be able to get it all down right now in the fullness I want to. I wish too that I could download some of the pictures to SHOW you. Alas, I will add them when I am back home.
This morning started at the holocaust museum. As our tour guide said, "I've been to this museum 200 times and I still have not seen it all". I think trying to take all of it at one time could kill you too. It tears the heart. The two exhibits that stand out most to me are: Raoul Wallenburg's place in the order of the righteous (nonJews who helped Jews at great risk to themselves) and the Children's Memorial (I don't want to describe, you should just see it for yourself).
As you leave the Museum, you see on the back of the entrance way arch Exekiel 37 v? "I have breathed into you and made you to live again and planted you in the land..."

Next we headed for the Jordan river but there were no soldiers available to take us in so we went for lunch first at the Caves of Qumran. There was a store with TONS of Ahava products there but we only had a half hour to get our lunch, eat it and shop.
SIDENOTE: SO you had better be very very grateful, Nessa, I gobbled my lovely shwarma for your sake! ;)
We had a very quick teaching up by the Caves. And then we were off again to the Jordan.
*cue epic music*
Absolutely a trip highlight, man alive, I would live it over again.
This time we were not alone waiting at the security crossing, there was a convoy of Jerusalemites who were as excited to see us as we were to see them if you can believe it (seriously, imagine Dean Bye and then imagine an almost as passionate counterpart).

[Ahhhh... I only have 20 minutes of internet time left. How will I do this story justice?]

Anyhoo, I told Mr. Bye that I wanted to be baptized in the Jordan. I think it was a bit of deja vu for him. :) Being baptized in the Jordan is an idea I have entertained for some time but actually being there, it became a conviction. When I asked Abba about it, He said, Yes do it! (too bad I hadn't thought to have that conversation sooner than I could have packed extra clothes...)

Down by the side of the Jordan River (which is just as muddy as you can imagine when reading Naaman's story), we went over some of the different events that had happened there: Israelites crossing over, Elijah & Elisha, Naaman and the baptism of Jesus. We called greetings over to the Jordanian side where different groups of people were also coming to the water's edge briefly. (Only 1 Jordanian soldier standing watch so not quite as intimidating as in Janessa's story!)

I was the first to be baptized. I explained how I had been baptized before and why I wanted to do it again in the Jordan. I shared Philippians 3:7-11 which God had placed on my heart (Leanna paraphrased version). Then I knelt down and fell forward into the slimy brown water.
And rose up again. :D
It felt very much like a death/birthing experience even though it was very quick.

Three others were baptized and gave brief beautiful testimonies.

THEN the Jerusalemites gathered with us. It was such a God thing, this meeting at the Jordan River. The leader of their group (I forget his name) translated as Mr. Bye spoke. Remi prayed for them. And then we sang two songs that had been written by different members of our group when God had shared His heart for Israel with them. (one of these was Lannette's "You are Mine" from Isaiah 43).
At this point, we found out that they had come up from Jerusalem as part of events preceding their bar and bat Mitzvahs. We sang a couple Hebrew songs with them. One of the girls (named Nama) stood up and took the microphone to share in English how our words and support were an incredible courage and faith builder.

It was just one of those crazy things that only God could plan. People on the other side were taking pictures of us, Jew and Christian gathered together. Just before both groups left, one of the boys stood up to ask in Hebrew, "Did you plan this?!?".
He did. ;)

To close off the day, we went down (down, down, down) to the Dead Sea, covered ourselves in the mineral rich mud and floated. :D

The Old City!


1 comment:

girlwithasong1133 said...

Such beautiful stories Leanna! (: I'm so enjoying reading them.
